Santa Clarita Track Club Cross Country Newsletter
Newsletter Monday August 13, 2007
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Welcome to the 2007 Storm Cross Country Season! It's hard to believe that summer is nearly over and that it's time, once again, to lace up our running shoes and hit the trails. I don't know about you, but XC is my favorite time of year.
For those athletes who are returning, you'll notice some changes to the training calendar. We'll practice Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until the race season begins then we'll drop to Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Here's what you can expect at each practice.
Monday- Long, slow distance (or LSD in XC speak)
Tueday- Interval workout on the track
Thursday- Tempo running or hill workout
Saturday- Time trial or mock meet until the season begins, then it's off to the races!
This schedule change allows for several quality workout days while still allowing plenty of downtime for rest in between. The real benefits of training come in between the workouts as your body re-builds. It's important to eat right, drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep and stretch. If you're watching TV or playing video games you can be stretching.
As always, parent involvement will be the backbone of the team. If you're a runner, please join us. We'll have kids at all different ability levels. If running isn't your thing, bring your bike and ride along. And if you're a walker, you'll make a great sweeper for kids that might fall behind. The point is, it's more fun to get involved than sit on the sidelines...and who knows, maybe you'll find yourself with a new life long sport of your own!
I'm looking forward to meeting everyone this week...until then...
Yours in Running,
Coach Darren
First Week of Practice:
Monday & Tuesday: Heritage Park 6:00-7:15 p.m.
Thursday:  No practice. 
Saturday:  Central Park 8:00-9:15 a.m.
Next week we will start rotating our practice sights, so keep an eye on this newsletter and the website to keep up with where we are.
Coaches' Clinic:
This Saturday, August 18, is the last XC coaches' clinic offered by the AAF at Mt. SAC.  If you are interested in attending, further information can be found on our website. 
If you have not yet signed up, please make sure you do so right away.  That way we can get the paperwork stuff out of the way and concentrate on building a successful season.  Please download the sign-up paperwork, complete all forms at home, and return them to Lisa Moser. 
Thank You,
Kwan Beilin
Volunteers Needed!!
As many of you know, our program is ran completely by parent volunteers.  It is through the generous gift of their time that our program remains successful.  There are several vital areas where help is needed.  You do not have to do these positions alone, you can ask a fellow parent to share the position with you. If you are able to help out with any of these positions, please see Dave Summer or Kwan Beilin.
  • Works with the Cross Country General Manager to set date and site for Lap-a-thon
  • Sets up a system for recording laps
  • Records laps of each child with help of volunteers
  • Procures music for the event
  • Procures prizes for winners


  • Work with the General Manager to determine where volunteers are needed on meet days
  • Enlist the help of parent volunteers for various duties
  • Act as the point person for volunteers and the meet director


  • Determine date and place for party
  • Procure permit for party
  • Order food for party
  • Help coaches hand out awards
  • Put together a possible memory book.


  • Set up the team communication box with each family's name
  • Bring the communication box to practice routinely
  • Distribute Award Ribbons or other communication in the appropriate files
"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential" - Liane Caredes